I’m Glad You’re Here!

My name is Christina, and I am the Creator behind Alpine Line Art.

If you’d like to stay in touch, please fill out the form below, and I will send you the occasional written piece featuring some of the ideas and inspiration behind my art, combined with photos and images from the mountains and valleys of Montana.

I’ll also let you know where my upcoming events are, just in case you’re in the area. When I create new drawings, offer digital downloads, or make changes to what I offer through my website, you’ll also be the very first to know.

My hope is that these emails will feel like getting a hand-written letter (only digital). I promise not to spam you, and you can easily unsubscribe at any point. No hard feelings.   =)

Once you opt in, look out for an email from me to confirm your subscription. Those sometimes go to Spam, so if you haven’t received one, look there!

Thank you for joining me on this adventure!

black and white line art drawing of a skier hiking up a snowy mountain with snow in the sky behind them
black and white drawing of an overhead view of a lake with a winding highway and mountains next to it
black and white line art drawing of a skier with snow flying off the skis as they ski down a steep chute with mountains and snow below them
black and white line art drawing of person hiking with mountains ahead