image of a dog looking back at a calm mountain lake at dusk


A Series of Reflections

Along The Way
Christina Rice Christina Rice

Along The Way

What I’ve found over years of explorations is that my most poignant moments of reflection, brightest ideas, most creative ideations, and vibrant experiences of serene stillness of both mind and heart can only find me through a sort of movement meditation, preferably in nature. Through the rhythmic fall of my footsteps, I’m freed of certain limitations that keep my mind spiraling throughout the day. I am moving, yet I feel still. After a certain distance…

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Exploring Value
Christina Rice Christina Rice

Exploring Value

How do we value what we can’t see?  After years of fear and making moves from a place of inner scarcity, I realized that I may have stepped out of the corporate world of regularity, but that world never left my internal landscape. My mind is filled with questions and scripts put there by a society organized around the efficiency of a production line.

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Showing Up
Christina Rice Christina Rice

Showing Up

I think most people think that Artists spend their lives in a perpetual flow state creating magic every time they put pen to page. However, what it actually looks like (for a lot of us) is a series of fits and starts and disparate parts that seemingly don’t go together. Now and then, there’s a flash in the pan or a grand catalyst that brings it all into one crystallized endeavor. And once that happens, so much work still remains:  to revise, to edit, cut back, or refrain. 

If that’s the case, then the only way is to keep showing up, day after day. Imperfectly. Inconveniently. Inconceivably.  . . .

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Finding A Name For This Series
Christina Rice Christina Rice

Finding A Name For This Series

Through this new series of reflective writing, I want to embrace my innate desire to explore. I want to follow the callings and questionings of my heart. I want to allow the fleeting, flickering embers of thoughts, feelings, and inspiration to spring to life from the fire that incites this one creative life. I want to invite connection. And in this process, I want to feel into one unanswerable question that always stirs me:  

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